Amanda Simmons
- AUGUST 2019

Material Melding Mastery
In this 5-day course in kiln formed vessels and glass powders, students will learn to create vessels whilst experimenting with opaque and transparent powdered Bullseye Glass colours to create new tones, subtle colour blending and mark making. Amanda will teach students how to build the flat blanks, taking into consideration mass, heat, time, colour and opacity.
A range of mark making, and powder techniques will be taught. Students will make their own moulds from vermiculite to play with different forms when slumping, and will look at techniques to cold work vessels to continues the creative design process and give them an identity.
Amanda has visited Art Glass Studio twice and has proved to be a very popular glass artist presenter. Numbers are strictly limited to 8 participants for each workshop.
Dates and Cost:
Workshop 1:
Wednesday July 31st – Sunday August 4th 2019 (5 days)
Workshop 2:
Wednesday August 7th – Sunday August 11th 2019 (5 days)
Workshop Cost: $1390 for the 5 day workshop