Welcome to Art Glass Studio, we offer an extensive range of products, with trained and knowledgeable team members, we have created an art hub for all your educational and learning requirements in the ancient art of glass. Our studio facilities and equipment are available for hire by the hour or day.



Marc opened his first glass studio in South Africa and attended many international glass shows which furthered his insatiable passion for kiln forming, kiln carving, fusing, pate de verre and all other disciplines pertaining to this media. Marc and his family immigrated to Perth in 2002 and opened Art Glass Studio in Morley.  The studio offers an extensive range of glass as well as offering workshop and teaching facilities. Yearly Guest International glass artist attend the studio to pass on their knowledge with Master classes as well as trained staff who offer a variety of in-house workshops. Marc’s vision is to create a thriving art hub with all your glass needs and this makes the studio forever evolving.


Art Glass Studio

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